Postal Auction No. 105 closed on 27th February 2025
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Postal Auction 105 - view full catalogue PDF .... please email if you need better scans of any particular lots
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There is no
buyer's premium. Estimates in New Zealand dollars $.
You may need to hit Refresh on your browser to update the page from your last session. The postal auction catalogue can be viewed on screen
or if you prefer a printed catalogue,
email your postal address to for a catalogue by airmail.
Estimated prices are in New Zealand dollars. Approximate exchange rates are
NZ$1 = US$0.56 = 0.54 Euro = 0.46 British pounds = $0.91 Australian (but rates can change daily). Check the clock (above) for the current
time and date in New Zealand. Email any questions you have. See "Conditions of Sale" below for more information about bidding.
1. HOW TO BID. This postal bid sale is very similar to a
normal auction that you would attend in person. The main difference
is that all bids are sent to us any time before 6pm on the closing date,
and the sale results are concluded in our office. On the bid form write
the lot number of each item you are interested in, and the
highest price you are prepared to pay for each lot. A bid
is successful if it is the highest bid received on the lot,
subject to any reserve price set by the vendor. If the successful
purchaser bids higher than the estimated price, the final
purchase price will often be less that the bid price. Lots
are sold at approximately 10% above the next highest bid.
(This is NOT a 'tender' sale where the price offered is always
the price paid.)
2. ESTIMATES. The estimate price against each lot is a price
that we consider to be a reasonable value of the lot in the
current market conditions. Bidders may bid above, below or
at the estimate. There is no buyer's premium.
Estimates are in New Zealand dollars.
3. RESERVES. Most lots have reserve prices set by the vendors.
We cannot sell at below these reserve prices. Most reserves
are between 75% and 100% of the estimate. Bids below 75% of
the estimate are normally unsuccessful.
4. INCREASE BIDS BY... There is a space on the bid form where
you can add a percentage increase to your bids if there is
heavy bidding in the sale. This facility exists because sometimes
bidders are disappointed when they miss out by only a few
dollars. A bid of $100+20% is treated the same as a bid of
$120. Bids below the estimate will have the percentage added
if it is necessary to reach the reserve price.
5. LIMIT OF PURCHASE. You can control your total auction
purchases by writing a 'limit of purchase' figure on the bid
form. This allows you to bid on as many lots as you wish,
but still control how much you purchase. Once this limit is
reached, further bids are cancelled. The limit would include
any percentage increase you wish to make - it is a total spending
6. 'BUY' BIDS. If there are any lots that you are particularly
keen to purchase, we can accept 'buy' bids. Remember that
popular lots can sell for several times the estimated price.
If you will not be happy purchasing at several times the estimate,
then it is better to place a normal dollar value bid. If several
'buy' bids are received on any lot, the Sale Manager has absolute
discretion and his decision is final.
7. LATE BIDS. Yes, if your bids are received by us after
the closing date, you will miss out! Always allow enough time
for the mail to reach us. Alternatively phone or e-mail
your bids. If two bids are tied, the first one received is
8. BIDS BY TELEPHONE. You are welcome to bid by
telephone. Leave a message including your bids and other necessary
9. BIDS BY E-MAIL. You can send bids by e-mail provided
that all necessary information is included. If you intend
to pay by credit card, please provide the card number, expiry
date and 3 digit CVC number (on the back) with your bids.
Bidders who do not give these details before the auction will
require correspondence afterwards and are processed last.
10. DESCRIPTIONS. Each lot in this postal bid sale has a
description that we consider is fair and accurate. Each collector
has slightly different ideas on what represents 'average'
or 'fine' condition, especially in relation to other stamps
in his collection. Centring, gum and perforations can vary
considerably in early issues. Our descriptions are based on
years of international experience and should prove reliable.
Sometimes a catalogue reference number, perforation gauge
or watermark is quoted even on a simplified stamp at a basic
11. VIEWING. Scans can be sent to your e-mail address
or postal address for reasonable requests. Clients are welcome
to view any lots at our office prior to the closing date.
Please telephone in advance so that a suitable time can be
12. RETURN OF LOTS. If a lot is found to be incorrectly described,
it may be returned if the return is made within 3 days of
receipt. With the volume of material handled, occasionally
a small fault may be overlooked and the lot may be returned
because of this. Collections and mixed lots are often in mixed
condition and may not be returned because of this. Under 1%
of lots sold are returned.
Although rarely necessary, we reserve the right to withdraw
any lot without explanation or notification, and we reserve
the right to reject any bid without explanation or notification.
14. PAYMENT. Accounts must be paid within 7 days of receipt,
unless already paid by credit card. Payment may be made by
online bank deposit, Mastercard, Visa or Paypal.
Our bank does not accept cheques.
15. POSTING OF LOTS. Apart from postage and handling, there
is a small additional charge for insurance of sendings to
most countries. Sorry, we do not take responsibility for items
that go missing to or from South America.
16. GOOD & SERVICES TAX. GST is not charged to the buyer.
It is charged to the vendor in the commission. There is no
buyer's premium.